Knitting with Nancy Wynn
Come and visit me in my NEW Home Knitting Studio for knitting classes and workshops.
Check out my YouTube Channel for instructional videos about knitting.
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Mittens, Mittens and more Mittens! Recently we completed a mitten class using Swans Island All Ameican Rambouillet Wool. The Selbu mitten pattern is from Skeindeer Knits and is available for purchase on Ravelry.
We even made oversized mittens for charity to be used by burn victims!
Stay tuned to see what's planned for our next knitting projects!!!
Knitting Help - $20
Due to the Covid19 outbreak and social distancing requirements, all knitting help sessions and workshops are cancelled until further notice. Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy!
Knitting Workshop - $60 includes Wine, beverages and Snacks
Due to the Covid19 outbreak and social distancing requirements, all knitting help sessions and workshops are cancelled until further notice. Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy!
Effective January 1st 2020, I'm raising my rates for both the Saturday help sessions and workshops. The new rate will be $20 for Knitting Help and $60 for the Knitting Workshops.
These classes will run at the same time every other Saturday unless informed otherwise. Please refer to my web page often for any important announcements or changes! Space is limited so please email me through the contact page if you are interested in attending my help sessions or workshops!
Effective March 1st 2016, I will require that all registered workshop students that wish to cancel must do so within 48 hours of the scheduled class time or a $25 cancellation fee will be assessed. |
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- I am a Minnesota knitting teacher who thinks knitting should be both fun and relaxing.
- I offer many different knitting classes and workshops, all located in my home studio.
- I teach all aspects of knitting to all ages, from learning the basics to complex patterns and techniques for the more experienced knitter. I’m especially skilled at finishing and incorporating full fashion increases/decreases to give your garment a professional look.
- I’m a perfect alternative for anyone that wants to learn how to knit or further improve the skills they have, but doesn’t want to make what’s offered in yarn shops. With me, you can learn what you want whenever and wherever you want!
- I provide many free knitting videos, making this a “one-stop” site for knitters who are searching for online technical help without the hassle of navigating through endless sites. You can also find these videos on my YouTube channel:
- I will recommend appropriate patterns, yarns, needles, and notions. More importantly, I will be able to point you in the right direction to make all of your purchases.
- I offer free knitting patterns, all available for download.
- My web site will be especially helpful to the new knitter because they will learn through my videos that their problems are not unique but rather common mistakes that can be easily remedied.
Show and tell time:

Due to the Covid19 outbreak and social distancing requirements, all knitting help sessions and workshops are cancelled until further notice. Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy! |
YouTube Videos:
Once again I've starting filming my instuctional videos. Hopefully those of you that are familiar with my videos will notice the upgrades I made with my lighting. Another change is that I will uploading more frequently so if you haven't already subscribed to my channel, please do so.

I am now a Certified Instructor with

ANNOUNCEMENT!!! My sock course is now available for purchase. Please follow the link and check it out!
Find me on

Some of my completed projects:

What's on my needles???